Monday, February 1, 2010

It's a New Week!

I am very pleased with my actions today.
It was so bitterly cold outside I wasn't about to walk outside, so I drove to the mall and walked for 30 minutes. If you use the excuse that you can't walk because of the weather, remember GO TO THE MALL. Plus, I see it as an additional motivator because as a female who loves to shop, I can do my "window shopping" while i'm walking and the time flies by. Just make sure you look ahead every so often so you don't plow people down!
I stuck with the Weight Watchers plan today. I was actually left with 5 points and wasn't hungry. I know you are suppose to eat the exact points a day, but oh well..i'll try and do better with that tomorrow.
I went to the WW meeting with my mom tonight. SHE lost 3 pounds! I stayed the same. I have to admit, I was upset. It took me about half of the meeting to get over the fact that I didn't loose any weight, but I got over it and didn't run to food to satisfy my emotional state.

So, as the evening comes to a close, i'm looking at a very busy work day tomorrow and potential tempting hopefully kick the temptation in the behind, I have already decided what I will eat tomorrow and that I will exercise as soon as I get up. I guess you'll have to hear if I do it tomorrow. I challenge you to the same thing. Until tomorrow....

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