Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Success!!

I had a very busy week last week and an even crazier weekend with friends visiting and the superbowl of course! I stayed on track with my eating this past week. Then the weekend came. I was determined NOT to mess up and go all bingey with the friends and parties. So, I opened up my Weight Watchers Magazine that has some amazing recipes in it and made a wonderful, spicy spinach cheese dip that you can eat with baked tortilla chips. Everyone like it (and I didn't tell them it was low fat)! I was very proud of myself.

I still am having a very difficult time finding time and motivation to exercise. I think in my head the night before that i'll get up early and when the alarm goes off. I roll back over and sleep my way through the exercise time. I hate myself by the end of the day for not doing it in the morning because by night time, I have NO energy to exercise and talk myself out of it:( Any suggestions? One neat thing that happened this week though was that my parents knew I wanted to start exercising but needed a tv to hook up to my dvd player so I could dust off those old workout dvd's and get going. Well, they went on craigslist and surprised me with a great tv and stand! So, my plan is to come home from work tomorrow afternoon and do one of my dvd's. I'll let ya know!

The most encouraging thing happened for me tonight. I weighed in at the WW meeting and had lost 6.4 pounds! I was actually amazed. It was over a 2 week time! So that is motivating me to exercise because I tell myself how much more I could loose if I were exercising regularly!

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